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Painting Apart from the World: Monks and Scholars of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

This exceptional exhibition presents more than one hundred masterpieces of classical Chinese painting. Shown in Europe for the first time, these paintings and calligraphies were created by the greatest masters of the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1912) dynasties.

Before being donated to the Hong Kong Museum of Art in 2018, these works were patiently brought together by the collector Ho Iu-kwong (1907–2006) who, following Chinese tradition, named the collection Chih Lo Lou, “Pavilion of Perfect Bliss”.

November 3

或字 - 骨. 皮與塵埃 |Perhaps words - Bone. Skin. Dust. - Press release of Touch Gallery new exhibition

November 11

ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair