Dec 1976
Ancient Swords of India
Go East: Papua New Guinea
Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Regal Hunggi of Sumba
The Battle of Manila Bay
Cover. Like all societies that nurtured an aristocratic warrior class, India evolved a brilliant art of sword and dagger-making. Dr G.N. Pant of the National Museum, New Delhi, surveys this ancient art in this issue, with outstanding pieces in the Museum’s collection. Our cover shows the enameled hilt of an Alwar, Rajasthan, Khanjar (dagger), circa 1675, in the shape of a goat’s head. The horns are studded with emerald chips, the forehead with other precious stones; and the tongue and eyes are made of rebies and precious stones. Photo by Darshan Lall. (National Musuem, New Delhi.)
Tim Luard. Railroad to Mandalay
Rene Q. Bas. Vietnam, Part II: The American ‘Legacy’
Tony Pigott. Papua New Guinea: Sing-sing at a Southern Highlands Village
Saul Lockhart. The Westernization of Haus Tambaran
Victor Dove. Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Dr. G.N. Pant. Ancient Swords and Daggers of India
Marcus Brooke. Regal Hinggi of Sumba
More and More Abstract Malang
Teodoro Benigno. The Battle of Manila Bay
Norma A. Harteam. Up and Down the PNG Highlands
Midnight Mass, Southeast Asia
Nigel Cameron. Book Review: The Three Perfections: Chinese Painting, Poetry, and Calligraphy by Michael Sullivan
Ancient Swords of India
Go East: Papua New Guinea
Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Regal Hunggi of Sumba
The Battle of Manila Bay
Cover. Like all societies that nurtured an aristocratic warrior class, India evolved a brilliant art of sword and dagger-making. Dr G.N. Pant of the National Museum, New Delhi, surveys this ancient art in this issue, with outstanding pieces in the Museum’s collection. Our cover shows the enameled hilt of an Alwar, Rajasthan, Khanjar (dagger), circa 1675, in the shape of a goat’s head. The horns are studded with emerald chips, the forehead with other precious stones; and the tongue and eyes are made of rebies and precious stones. Photo by Darshan Lall. (National Musuem, New Delhi.)
Tim Luard. Railroad to Mandalay
Rene Q. Bas. Vietnam, Part II: The American ‘Legacy’
Tony Pigott. Papua New Guinea: Sing-sing at a Southern Highlands Village
Saul Lockhart. The Westernization of Haus Tambaran
Victor Dove. Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Dr. G.N. Pant. Ancient Swords and Daggers of India
Marcus Brooke. Regal Hinggi of Sumba
More and More Abstract Malang
Teodoro Benigno. The Battle of Manila Bay
Norma A. Harteam. Up and Down the PNG Highlands
Midnight Mass, Southeast Asia
Nigel Cameron. Book Review: The Three Perfections: Chinese Painting, Poetry, and Calligraphy by Michael Sullivan
Ancient Swords of India
Go East: Papua New Guinea
Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Regal Hunggi of Sumba
The Battle of Manila Bay
Cover. Like all societies that nurtured an aristocratic warrior class, India evolved a brilliant art of sword and dagger-making. Dr G.N. Pant of the National Museum, New Delhi, surveys this ancient art in this issue, with outstanding pieces in the Museum’s collection. Our cover shows the enameled hilt of an Alwar, Rajasthan, Khanjar (dagger), circa 1675, in the shape of a goat’s head. The horns are studded with emerald chips, the forehead with other precious stones; and the tongue and eyes are made of rebies and precious stones. Photo by Darshan Lall. (National Musuem, New Delhi.)
Tim Luard. Railroad to Mandalay
Rene Q. Bas. Vietnam, Part II: The American ‘Legacy’
Tony Pigott. Papua New Guinea: Sing-sing at a Southern Highlands Village
Saul Lockhart. The Westernization of Haus Tambaran
Victor Dove. Leaves from a Matsue Sketchbook
Dr. G.N. Pant. Ancient Swords and Daggers of India
Marcus Brooke. Regal Hinggi of Sumba
More and More Abstract Malang
Teodoro Benigno. The Battle of Manila Bay
Norma A. Harteam. Up and Down the PNG Highlands
Midnight Mass, Southeast Asia
Nigel Cameron. Book Review: The Three Perfections: Chinese Painting, Poetry, and Calligraphy by Michael Sullivan